IStructE Core Objective 1.1 – Institution
This is by far the easiest Core Objective to accomplish.
You need to show a knowledge of the Institution and what it does. and show that you are involved with it in some way. Given that you are applying to the IStructE for Chartership, the chances are that you do know something about it!
Here are some things you could say in your final report form. We suggest at least 4 or 5 of these:
- I regularly read The Structural Engineer magazine and/or Structures Journal.
- I attend at least two events per year run by the IStructE or similar bodies (ICE, RIBA, IMechE, CIBSE etc).
- I have networked with my local IStructE group and attended meetings or helped organise events.
- I have engaged with a local university/college by teaching/tutoring/mentoring etc
- I am aware of and adhere to the Institution's code of conduct
- I have attended an IStructE AGM/committee meeting
- I have participated
- I have attended a course run by the IStructE (like a Chartership preparation course)
What to put into your portfolio.
- Flyers of any events you have attended or organised
- Minutes of any meetings/AGMs you have attended
- Email from someone thanking you for your involvement e.g. in engagement with local education.
Reading list
- IStructE Annual Report.
- IStructE Code of Conduct and guidance notes.
- IStructE Royal Charter and Bye-laws, Regulations and Standing orders.